Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Creation Of Waiting For Nothing By Tom Kromer - 986 Words

The Creation of Waiting for Nothing Who played a big role in the creation of the novel Waiting for Nothing, by Tom Kromer? The novel Waiting for Nothing focuses on the impact of the Great Depression on working-class people. During the whole novel, the author reminisces about his life during the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. First, Kromer shows the reader the gloominess and despair of the less fortunate men and woman during this era; he does this by describing different stages of his personal recollections in the Great Depression in each chapter. Ultimately, there are two major factors that play a role in the establishment of the novel such as the author, and the publisher. The life of the author is significant because the novel is a retell of Kromer’s past. Moreover, the publisher is important because without a reputable publisher Kromer would have been unable to successfully show his struggles throughout the Great Depression period to many individuals. Firstly, Thomas Micheal Kromer was born in West Virginia on October 20,1906 (Kromer 263). Kromer’s family consisted of his father Allbert Kromer, his mother Grace Thornburg, and his brothers and sister Emogene, Katherine, Allbert, and Wilma. Kromer’s family moved all over the United States including places such as Fairmont, Kingwood, and finally settled at Huntington (Kromer 263). In the beginning, Kromer’s financial status was unstable to the point where he left college in 1926 to 1927 in order to acquire money to fund his

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Memory Is The Sum Total Of What We Remember - 1674 Words

WHAT IS MEMORY- Memory is our ability to encode, store, retain and subsequently recall information and past experiences in the human brain. It can be thought of in general terms as the use of past experience to affect or influence current behaviour. Memory is the sum total of what we remember, and gives us the capability to learn and adapt from previous experiences as well as to build relationships. It is the ability to remember past experiences, and the power or process of recalling to mind previously learned facts, experiences, impressions, skills and habits. It is the store of things learned and retained from our activity or experience, as evidenced by modification of structure or behaviour, or by recall and recognition. In more†¦show more content†¦This ability of humans to call on past memories in order to imagine the future and to plan future courses of action is a hugely advantageous attribute in our survival and development as a species. WHAT IS MUSIC - We are all aware that music and atmosphere go together. We might put on relaxing music for a quiet romantic dinner, but listen to something livelier while doing some physical work or exercise, or when out socialising in larger groups. You might have heard of farmers who increase production by playing music to their animals, recent studies showing that listening to fast music whilst driving increases the rate of car accidents, and the Mozart Effect claims to increase intelligence. While some claims may be exaggerated, there is no denying that music can suggest and affect our state of mind. But the reason for this is very mysterious. Why should organised sounds affect us to such an extent that billions are spent annually making music? †¢ Tempo Rhythm †¢ Pitch, Melody Harmony †¢ Pattern recognition DOES IT EFFECT THE BRAIN- In general, responses to music are able to be observed. It has been proven that music influences humans both in good and bad ways. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Gas Turbine Engine Is A Generic Term Engineering Essay Free Essays

string(172) " turbine fumes Turbine isentropic efficiency is: And turbine ‘s exhaust temperature Combustor And Temperature rise in burning chamber= Here, FAR = Fuel to Air ratio\." 1. Introduction Gas turbine engine is a generic term applies to land, sea and airborne applications. It has broad scope of applications from civil and military air power to power coevals, and besides from oil and gas geographic expedition and production to automobile industry. We will write a custom essay sample on Gas Turbine Engine Is A Generic Term Engineering Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now They are compact, light weight, easy to run and has scope of sizes from several hundred KW to 100s of MW. Gas turbine ( GT ) engineering is responsible as the premier mover for the most of propulsion systems and is hence of critical importance. The satisfactory operation and high public presentation gas turbines are of paramount importance to the profitableness of these industries. Promotion in the field of aeromechanicss and stuff engineering has paved a important addition in the efficiency of the gas turbines. Assorted researches are carried out in order to cut down specific fuel ingestion farther by 30-40 % and besides to cut down risky fumes gases coming out of it. Experiments started with simple gas turbine rhythm and developed up to more-complex thermodynamic rhythms such as exhaust-heat-recovery money changers are performed and implement in the existent clip applications. ( ref tribal sheik ) The gas turbines have a immense history of development since 1791, when for the first clip John Barber took out a patent for ‘A Method for Rising Inflammable Air for the Purposes of Producing Motion and Facilitating Metallurgical Operations ‘ . Since early 1900 ‘s, many enterprises have been made to construct the operational gas turbine and develop its public presentation by with assorted attacks. After this major innovation there were plentifulness of people who contributed to develop this engineering with different applications. In April 1937, Sir Frank Whittle ran the first jet engine which had a immense impact on the universe of engineering. It has now been over 71 old ages since the first gas turbine was designed and operated for electric power coevals by A. B. Brown Boveri. The gas turbine began as a comparatively simple engine compared with other reciprocating internal burning engines and has evolved as complex but extremely efficient and dependable premier m over. Though, GT engines has high runing flexibleness and requires comparatively low capital investing, it is necessary to accomplish an optimal design for each type of its application. ( ref Industrial GT ) In the early yearss, it was hard to obtain a sufficiently high force per unit area ratio with equal compressor efficiency till the scientific discipline of aeromechanicss was non introduced to GT. Now, there are efficient engines runing on high compaction ratios. ‘Performance ‘ is the terminal merchandise that every gas turbine company sells, ( ref GT public presentation Fletcher ) and major portion of GT public presentation is chiefly based on design of its thermodynamic rhythm. This survey intends to make an analysis tool for gas turbine rhythms to show the fluctuation of gas turbine public presentation parametric quantities with aid of a graphical user interface through different illustrations and a instance survey. Before continuing to those chapters of the thesis, a brief debut over gas turbine operation and intent of making such tool is given in the undermentioned subdivisions. 1.1 Fundamentalss of gas turbines Figure 1: Simple gas turbine systemA typical gas turbine engine comprises three chief constituents: Compressor, Combustor and Turbine. They operate upon the rule of Brayton rhythm by agencies of series uninterrupted flow procedures. The rhythm defines what happens to the working fluid when it passes into, through and out of the gas turbine. This working fluid is ab initio compressed in the compressor. It is so heated in the burning chamber by adding fuel by agencies of burning. Further, it goes through the turbine. The turbine converts the gas energy into mechanical work. Part of this work is used to drive the compressor. The staying portion is known as the net work of the gas turbine. The undermentioned figures would depict the agreement, procedures and the flow in simple Brayton rhythm. Figure 2: T-s diagramThe Figure.1 shows three chief constituents of gas turbine engine. Compressor, combustor and turbine contribute three important procedures in the engine. These diagrams give a brief thought about the agreement and the flow of fluid in ideal Brayton gas turbines rhythm. Normally, compressor and turbine are mounted on the same shaft so that the turbine could drive the compressor and salvage extra power supply required for the compressor. Figure.2 represents the simple Brayton rhythm demoing temperature-entropy fluctuation for procedures happening in each of these constituents. At point-1, air is taken from the ambiance into compressor and acquire pressurised really during phases 01 to 02 ( isentropically 01- 02 ‘ ) . The temperature of this pressurised air increased by heat add-on ( qin and qout ) through firing fuel in the combustor during phases 02 to 03 with some loss in force per unit area. It can be seen that the highest temperature in the rhythm is at t urbine recess. Finally the enlargement occurs in the turbine from phases 03 to 04 ( existent, which causes to impel it and bring forth power. Thermodynamic rhythm operates individually in each constituent of GT system. Using notations above, following equations are derived ; Pr = Compression force per unit area ratio, T01= Compressor recess temperature. Cp= Specific heat ( air/gas ) . Compressor Using isentropic p-T relation, we have, Here, T01 is temperature at compressor recess and T’04 is ideal temperature at compressor bringing. Isentropic efficiency of the compressor is given by, Therefore, existent compressor bringing temperature: is given by Turbine Similarly, utilizing isentropic p-T relation, we have, Ideally, there is no force per unit area loss throughout the system. However, there is ever a opportunity of fring force per unit area in the burning chamber. In that instance, force per unit area at the turbine recess will be given as ; P03 = P02 – ( P02- % loss in force per unit area ) . Therefore, p-T relation for turbine will be given as, Here, T03 is temperature at turbine recess and T’04 is ideal temperature at turbine fumes Turbine isentropic efficiency is: And turbine ‘s exhaust temperature Combustor And Temperature rise in burning chamber= Here, FAR = Fuel to Air ratio. Once, all temperatures across the constituents are known, the power consumed and delivered can be determined. Power and efficiency Work required to drive the compressor is ; And entire power produced by the turbine, Hence, Net power developed: Thermal efficiency of GT rhythm is the ratio of net work out to the input. From all old equations, thermic efficiency of the rhythm can be calculated as ; It is of import to gain, unlike the conventional reciprocating engines, the above described procedures ( compaction, burning and enlargement ) does non happen in individual constituent. They occur in different constituents which are designed, tested and developed separately in their sense. Therefore, in pattern, losingss in GT engine constituents such as drag loss in compressor, force per unit area losingss in combustor, temperature loss in turbine will increase the power required to drive the compressor and devour the net power generated. These losingss define isentropic efficiency of the constituents. It will necessitate a certain add-on to the energy of working fluid, and therefore a certain fuel supply will be needed. This extra supply does non bring forth any utile power, and finally consequences in low rhythm efficiency. Use of complex rhythm was proposed in the early yearss of gas turbines, when they were necessary to obtain a sensible thermic efficiency. There are three conve ntional methods of bettering the efficiency: reheating ( extra combustor between two turbines ) , inter-cooling ( an intercooler between two phases of compressors ) and regeneration ( a recuperator between compressor and combustor ) . The undermentioned figures show the regeneration system and procedures. Figure 3: Recuperative rhythm Figure 4: T-s Diagram for restorative rhythm In the agreement shown in figure 3 the turbine fumes gas heat has been utilized to preheat the air come ining the combustor by adding a recuperator ( heat money changer ) . The recuperator really imparts the turbine fumes heat into the combustors air/fuel mixture. The temperature obtained at point 5 will now be the entering temperature for burning chamber. Now the heat rise in the combustor is less than needed in simple rhythm, and therefore less fuel required. Decrease in fuel ingestion will better the rhythm efficiency. However, these polishs can be made maintaining in head the extra complexness, weight and cost in any gas turbine works. Here, the lone alteration than simple rhythm is the debut of recuperator to leave the fumes heat. Therefore, the temperature rise occurs from T05 to T03. T05 can be determined utilizing the heat money changer dealingss of effectivity ; E†º , E†º = effectivity of recuperator ( normally 0.7 to 0.9 ref ) . Since, T05 A ; gt ; T02, relatively less sum of fuel is required to make the coveted turbine recess temperature which consequences in bettering thermic efficiency of the rhythm. The old two illustrations explain the operational behavior of gas turbine systems. Furthermore, fluctuation of parametric quantities like force per unit area ratio of compressor, turbine recess temperature, ambient conditions, burning efficiency, etc will be discussed subsequently in this study. Following subdivision will supply information about bing plans in the market to analyze GT rhythms and will besides depict the intent of making a graphical user interface for these rhythms. 1.2 Undertaking background Gas turbine belongs to such technology subject where it has to cover with many undertakings. The operation and public presentation of the gas turbines depends upon the chosen construction of thermodynamic rhythm. There are few but really effectual plans commercially available to show the fluctuation of gas turbine public presentation parametric quantities. ‘GASTURB ‘ and ‘EngineSim ‘ are one those. GASTURB This is a really utile plan developed by Dr. Joachim Kurzke. ‘Gasturb ‘ trades with both design and off design public presentation of gas turbines. Its development had begun in early 90 ‘s. And its first publication was presented at ASME in conference of 1995. Since so, the uninterrupted development had been carried out in this plan. It has several installations ; user can take the type of engine he wishes to analyze and so plan it farther as per the coveted demands. For illustration: if the user ‘s pick is to look into public presentation of his design for the aircraft engine, user can travel further and do his picks about taking a turbofan/turbojet/turboprop/turboshaft and more profoundly taking the type of flow, type of shaft agreement and figure of constituents and their sizes. ( ref gasturb ) EngineSim Using EngineSim plan, one can look into the push production through jet/turbine engine by interactively altering values of different engine parametric quantities. The first version ( EngineSim 1.1 ) of this plan was released in 1999. Assortment of secret plans and optional life was besides included in this plan. Since so, there has been uninterrupted development in this plan to detect the effects of engine constituent public presentation on push and fuel ingestion. It besides allows user to vary design parametric quantities in each constituent. It has two basic manners of operation ; design manner and trial manner. In design manner, user can present several types of designs and take the optimum, whereas in the trial manner, user imports one peculiar design and trials it with different runing conditions. ( ref EngineSim ) Other similar plans Articles ( ref ) Plans above are the most recognized commercially available tools to analyze gas turbine rhythm design. With uninterrupted developments and quickly increasing demand of gas turbine application, the design facets of thermodynamic rhythm are going more and more critical twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. We hence emphasize to concentrate on thermodynamic rhythms since the rhythm analysis allows standards to be established which will put the bounds on possible theoretical public presentation and which can be used to entree the existent public presentation of the engine. In primary phases of planing a rhythm it is complicated and clip devouring for the interior decorators to take an appropriate rhythm in order to accomplish a coveted end product. The alone combination of thermodynamic and design parametric quantities leads to bring forth different rhythms and can do monolithic alterations in end product. To do this easier for analysis, it is necessary to make a tool which can propose primary pros and cons of the chosen rhythm. The basic purpose of this thesis is to make a flexible and powerful tool to analyze these thermodynamic rhythms. The undermentioned chapter will show the process of creative activity this tool ( GUI ) and its phases of development. 2. GUI creative activity 2.1 What is GUI? GUI is an abbreviation refers to ‘Graphical User Interface. ‘ Unlike coding the plans, GUI is a graphical show of one or more Windowss incorporating certain controls which enable user to execute synergistic undertakings. These controls are called constituents. GUI is a powerful tool through which user can pass on with computing machine without programming bids. It allows user to include about all types of window maps such as edit boxes, pushbuttons, radio/toggle buttons, checkbox, axes, bill of fares, toolbars, popup bill of fare etc. Using these, user can execute several and complex types of calculations. GUI ‘s can besides interact with other GUI ‘s and present the end point values through secret plans or on tabular arraies. GUIs are fundamentally created for automatizing the arduous calculations or seeking for or larning about information content informations. 2.2 Choosing plan To make such flexible tool it is necessary to take strong scheduling linguistic communication. There are some really strong plans available such as Java, Visual rudimentss, C++ . These linguistic communications allows user to pull strings the equations and utilize them as user wants to. This can besides be done utilizing Microsoft Excel © . However, to develop this tool ‘MATLAB ‘ has been chosen for following grounds: MATLAB is a widely used tool in technology subject. It can be used for simple mathematical uses with matrices, for apprehension and learning basic mathematical and technology constructs, and even for executing simulation. Matlab was originally introduced as a little and ready to hand tool which has now evolved and go an technology workhorse. Matlab is an taken linguistic communication for numerical calculation. It allows user to execute several types of numerical computations, and visualise the consequences with simple programming methods. Matlab is dependable every bit long as the codification is expeditiously written. It can easy bring forth artworks. Numerous types of tool chests in Matlab can heighten the use of traditional simulation tools used for advanced technology applications. Old versions of Matlab is could make GUI by merely coding m-file. The MathworksTM has developed a tool called GUIDE in Matlab which is non merely efficient but much more user friendly. ( ref Matlab ) 2.2.1 GUI with Matlab Matlab supplies the set of user interface constituents which allows us to plan GUIs which matches with those used in sophisticated package bundles. There are plentifulness of books available for artworks and GUI scheduling. Here, MATLAB- GUIDE tool will be used to make GUI. It is really utile, easy for GUI coevals. This tool in Matlab initiates the GUI environment ( GUIDE ) and let user to make or redact GUI interactively. On choice, GUIDE opens a speedy start duologue box where user can take to open bing GUI ‘s or make a new GUI utilizing provided tools and templets. ( ref Matlab tutorial ) GUIDE tool besides bring forth its backup ‘m-file ‘ automatically, which contains basic low-level formatting codification and an gap map. GUI constituents in m-files are addressed utilizing two basic things: grips ( uicontrols ) and their several belongingss ( uimenus ) . These two can be combined with other artworks objects and can be utilized to make enlightening, intuitive, a nd aesthetically delighting GUIs. Matlab tutorial suggests following basic points to be considered to construct a successful GUI. Paper prototyping: Sketching a conceptual design on paper to avoid confusion while constructing GUI. Physical considerations: the GUI building in such a manner that user must interact with high degree of flexibleness. Attractive visual aspect Effective cryptography. Figure 5: Basic stairss to construct GUI Figure 5 describes the basic process to construct GUI. Once the users and information that is to be interfaced with is understood, one can get down the procedure of puting out the GUI. If the on-paper paradigm is ready, it is rather faster to take how many constituents are required. Input signal constituents are interlinked in the backup m-file through a certain map called ‘callback ‘ . This map controls GUI or component behavior by executing some action in response to an event for its constituent. These events can be a mouse chink on pushbutton, menu choice or a imperativeness key, etc. On snaping the end product recall map ( normally a pushbutton ) , the GUI calls the map in the backup m-file and put to death the codification. 2.3 Phases of development This subdivision of the study describes how this analysis tool has been developed utilizing Matlab GUIDE. The user interface has been built right from running GUIDE tool for the first clip and so adding different constituents. Figures below will explicate this better. Figure 6: Primary operations in Matlab GUIDE Figure 6 shows the primary operations to be done after choosing GUIDE option on the tool saloon. As explained in subdivision 2.2 ; the usher option starts with a speedy start window enabling user to choose creative activity of new GUI and opening bing file. Phase 1 For this tool, clean GUI option has been selected so the following window shows the GUI environment with tool saloon consisting of control constituents. In the following window demoing clean GUI environment, the needed input constituents in footings of edit boxes had been chosen and aligned in the panel. Furthermore, a inactive box to expose the computed consequence and a pushbutton to execute the actions mentioned in the codification has been introduced to the working GUI environment. The m-file contains the bids to read inputs through grips of edit boxes. The pushbutton ‘callback ‘ has bid with equations to calculate the coveted end product. Note: Equations used in the m-file are same as mentioned in chapter 1.1. Figure 7: Phase 1- GUI computer science efficiency for simple rhythm Figure 7 represents the first phase of this tool. It required specific user inputs in the provided edit boxes such as compressor recess conditions, compaction force per unit area ratio, desired turbine recess temperature, specific heat capacity of gas, isentropic efficiencies of compressor and turbine, air mass flow and force per unit area loss if there is any. Once these values are entered user is supposed to snap on the provided button ( ‘Calculate ‘ ) and it would cipher the efficiency for the simple rhythm. ( Please see appendix for the codification. ) Phase 2 The first phase was able to find the efficiency for the simple rhythm but merely for given conditions. As mentioned before, the purpose of this thesis is to make and develop this tool to analyze the public presentation of gas turbine rhythm with fluctuation of different parametric quantities. These basic parametric quantities really demonstrate the overall consequence of chosen design. These are the chief factors impacting the public presentation of gas turbine engine. Compression force per unit area ratio Turbine working temperature Component efficiencies and ambient working conditions Figure 8: Phase 2- GUI for simple rhythm with variable force per unit area ratioIn the 2nd phase, an enterprise to vary force per unit area ratio has been done. Since, the rhythm efficiency chiefly depends upon the force per unit area ratio. At this phase, the user can take the scope ( minimal and maximal ) of force per unit area ratio maintaining all other parametric quantities changeless and can acquire a graphical end product for the simple rhythm. To implement this option cringle for altering force per unit area ratio has been used in the backup m-file. Figure below depicts stage 2 of GUI. Phase 3 Initial phases of this tool were limited to find the public presentation of the given working status for simple rhythm merely. In 3rd phase, a recuperated rhythm has been introduced to the tool. Figure 9: Phase 3- GUI with both rhythms In the figure above, it can be seen that a button group incorporating three wireless buttons is added to the tool. Once all inputs are entered the user can take the type of rhythm and vary as per want. There are three options available for user, 1. Simple rhythm: this will bring forth the fluctuation of force per unit area ratio against the end product efficiency for simple rhythm. 2. With recuperator: this option will inquire user to come in the value for effectivity since it is necessary for recuperated rhythms and plot the fluctuation for recuperated rhythm. 3. Compare both rhythms: It is necessary to compare both rhythms to look into the consequence of utilizing recuperator. Maximal illustrations prove that usage of recuperator enhances the rhythm efficiency as per theory. In the figure above, it can be seen that for certain scope of force per unit area ratio the efficiency of the rhythm is rather higher utilizing recuperator than that of simple rhythm. Further subdivision in this study would discourse about the consequence of fluctuation of different parametric quantities on the rhythm. Furthermore, the tool displays the value of maximal possible thermic efficiency for all three conditions. Phase 4 As discussed at phase 2, the turbine recess temperature besides plays critical function in finding the efficiency. Increase in TET that is, turbine recess temperature would ensue in enhanced rhythm efficiency provided creep strength of the turbine blades is high plenty to defy that temperature. To see this consequence further development in GUI has been done. At this phase the GUI is able to bring forth efficiency curves for changing force per unit area ratio every bit good as for changing turbine recess temperature. However, it is necessary to maintain all other parametric quantities constant. Therefore, while changing any one of these two, the minimal value from the scope entered by user is taken for the other changeless. For illustration, while changing force per unit area ratio, minimal value for TET will be taken as a invariable for that instance and frailty versa. The undermentioned figure will show the fluctuation for TET. It can be seen that, another button panel is added incorporating two wireless buttons which allows user to choose the variable among force per unit area ratio and TET. The GUI generates the graphical end product on snaping the ‘analyse ‘ button. Figure 10: Phase 4- GUI varying TET and Pressure ratio for rhythm efficiency It can be observed from above figure that at TET = 800K ; the efficiency was found around 13 % ( for simple rhythm ) and has bit by bit increased with increasing turbine recess temperature. Figure 11: Phases of development in GUI 3. Consequence of fluctuation in public presentation parametric quantity on GT rhythms with illustrations The basic gas turbine rhythm normally has low thermic efficiency, so it is of import to look for improved gas turbine based rhythms. As discussed in the old chapter ( subdivision 2.3 ) , following are the chief constituents impacting the public presentation of gas turbine rhythms. An appropriate alteration in these parametric quantities will take the system to accomplish desired end product with high thermic efficiency. Compressor force per unit area ratio Turbine recess temperature Component efficiency and ambient working status. The elaborate going from the assorted theoretical rhythms with alteration in working parametric quantities will be examined in this chapter. 3.1 Compressor force per unit area ratio The specific work end product upon which the size of the works for a given power depends is found to be a map of force per unit area ratio. ( Ref Gt theory ) If Pressure ratio ( Pr ) =1, so work end product would be zero. With the created GUI, the fluctuation of force per unit area ratio has been tested. Following illustration show the consequence of Pr on the efficiency. Pressure at recess of compressor ( P1 ) 1.01325 saloon Temperature at compressor recess ( T1 ) 288 K Pressure ratio of compressor ( Pr ) Minimum 2:1 Pressure ratio of compressor ( Pr ) Maximum 16:1 Temperature at turbine recess ( T3 ) 1100 K Compressor isentropic efficiency 80 % Turbine isentropic efficiency 85 % Mechanical efficiency 99 % Air mass flow 0.6 Kg/sec Pressure losingss 5 % Specific heat capacity Air= 1005 KJ/Kg-K Gas= 1146 KJ/Kg-K Effectiveness of the recuperator 0.8 Table: Parameters specifying runing condition- Varying force per unit area ratio For the above status, following consequences have been obtained utilizing the GUI. Figure 12: Consequence of changing Pressure ratio In the figure above, force per unit area ratio is changing from 2 to 16:1 ( at changeless TET = 1100 K ) . It is obvious that the consequences for simple rhythm and recuperated rhythm are different. For simple rhythm, due to high force per unit area compressor bringing temperature started increasing and the work input in burning chamber has been decreased, a gradual betterment can be seen in efficiency from 11 % to 25 % with increasing force per unit area ratio 2:1 to 10:1. However, after that it started worsening bit by bit. Increase in force per unit area ratio caused higher ingestion of power required to drive the compressor. But for the changeless turbine recess temperature, the entire power generated by turbine is besides changeless for all conditions and the net end product has continuously decreased which finally resulted in low efficiency. On the other manus, the efficiency for the recuperated rhythm rose all of a sudden ( till Pr =3.8:1 ) due to high temperature come ining the burning chamber ( chapter 1.1 ) and so, less work input. Continuous bead is been ascertained further due to high ingestion of work by the compressor. Recuperated rhythm has steep autumn compared with simple one. High force per unit area ratio resulted in high compressor bringing temperature T2, the heat exchange in the recuperator occurs till the turbine ‘s fumes gas temperature T4 A ; gt ; T2. With rising force per unit area ratio and changeless turbine working temperature, at certain point T2 = T4, after this if T2 is still lifting due to higher force per unit area ratio so a set of status is shortly reached when T2 A ; gt ; T4. In such instance, the heat exchange system in the recuperator reverses its flow and the energy is wasted heating up exhaust gas consequences in much lower temperature at combustor recess and so thermic efficiency. Figure below explains the heat flow for both of these instances. Figure 13: Recuperator in gas turbine rhythms 3.2 Turbine recess temperature ( TET ) This is another most important parametric quantity in the rhythm. From the equation, Work done by the turbine, The power created by the turbine is straight relative to the turbine entry temperature. When the turbine entry temperature decreases, so the work done by the turbine bead which in bend cut down the net turbine power and efficiency of the gas turbine. To find its consequence, same illustration is taken as below. Pressure at recess of compressor ( P1 ) 1.01325 saloon Pressure ratio of compressor ( Pr ) 5:1 Temperature at turbine recess ( T3 ) Minimum 800 K Temperature at turbine recess ( T3 ) Maximum 1200 K Compressor isentropic efficiency 80 % Turbine isentropic efficiency 85 % Mechanical efficiency 99 % Air mass flow 0.6 Kg/sec Pressure losingss 5 % Specific heat capacity Air= 1005 KJ/Kg-K Gas= 1146 KJ/Kg-K Effectiveness of the recuperator 0.8 Table: Parameters specifying runing condition- Varying TET. Following figure illustrates the consequences demoing the consequence of TET on efficiency for the illustration. Figure 14: Consequence of changing TET In figure 13, the temperature at turbine recess is changing from 800-1200 K ( at changeless Pr = 5:1 ) . As expected, it can be seen that there is a immense rise in the efficiency particularly for recuperated rhythm and a good betterment in for of simple rhythm excessively. Normally, stuff available for turbine building fixes the highest recess temperature for the turbine for a given rhythm. It depends upon the creep strength of the stuff used for the turbine blades. If the engine is made capable of operating at high temperature than its old theoretical account due to improved stuffs and design, the higher temperature consequences in increased power and improved efficiency while adding higher cost for blade chilling for turbine phases. 3.3 Component efficiency and ambient working status Component efficiency is usually expressed in footings of the ratio of existent and ideal work transportations. Turbomachines are basically adiabatic, hence the ideal procedure is said to be isentropic. The efficiency of this procedure differs with the nature of operation of the constituent such as soaking up or production of work. The efficiency of the compaction procedure may be defined as the ratio of the ideal compaction work to the existent compaction work. And for an enlargement procedure, the efficiency is the ratio of the existent enlargement work to the ideal enlargement work. Due to irreversibility the efficiency will be less than integrity. ( Ref Ind GT ) . Higher the isentropic efficiency of constituent, better the public presentation of gas turbine system. Ambient working status affects the public presentation of engine since the denseness of the air will be different under different climatic conditions. At high altitudes the air denseness decreases ensuing in lessening of end product shaft power. The recess air temperature for compressor should besides be taken into consideration since at different parts of the universe the room temperature can non be same. For illustration, if the recess air temperature alterations from 288K to 310 K so less mass flow of air is required and so the force per unit area ratio. 3.4 Pressure losingss In the early yearss of gas turbines, two types of system were proposed ; one at changeless volume and other at changeless force per unit area. The isolation of valves of combustor from compressor and turbine was necessary in changeless volume system ; hence the development in the changeless volume type was discontinued. ( Ref GT theory ) . The combustor and the heat add-on procedure incur force per unit area losingss and hence the heat add-on is non a changeless force per unit area procedure in a practical gas turbine rhythm. Similarly, in a practical gas turbine rhythm, heat sink is used ; the ambiance and the ductwork to take the exhaust gases from the gas turbine will besides incur a force per unit area loss. Furthermore, practical gas turbines usually operate on unfastened rhythms and air is drawn in continuously to supply fresh working fluid for the gas turbine. As a consequence, there is besides a force per unit area loss in the recess system. 3.5 Specific heats The above treatment makes one to recognize certain bounds of public presentation such as temperature which present twenty-four hours turbine metals can defy and the gettable force per unit area ratios in the compressors in order to let sensible length of working life. How to cite Gas Turbine Engine Is A Generic Term Engineering Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Questions: 1.Advise Infinity what priority, if any, Infinity would have in relation to its circulating security interest in HealthPharm in the event of HealthPharms insolvency. 2.Advise HealthPharm Ltd on the validity or otherwise of the proposed resolution as a procedure to effect the division of the existing shares into two classes. 3.Advise HealthPharm Ltd what disclosure obligations it would have, if any, in relation to offering its shares for issue on the ASX and advise it on the standard of disclosure required. Answers: 1.Advice to Infinity in case of HealthPharms insolvency Issue: Priority of Infinity Venture in relation to its circulating of security interest is to be analyzed in the event of insolvency of the company Heath Pharm. Rule: According to section 420b Corporations act 2001, the court may give authority to the controller to dispose of the property in the event of the insolvency of the company even though security interest exists in the aforementioned property. Application: A receiver will be appointed by the court on behalf of the party who has some interest in the circulating security of the company in the event of winding up of the company. However it is to be stated that the company must not take the decision of winding up voluntarily (, 2017) The company Infinity Venture must clear all the debts that are attached to the circulating security interests of the Health Pharm Ltd. in the event of its winding up. Conclusion: Thus in conclusion, it can be stated that Infinity Venture, will receive priority in claiming the circulating security interests in the event of winding up of Health Pharma. 2.Advice to Health Pharm regarding the proposal of dividing shares Issue The advice to be given to HealthPharm Ltd. on the validity of the proposal of dividing the shares into two classes is to be discussed and analyzed. Rule: According to the Australian Securities and Investment Commission Act, any company proposing to issue new shares or split the shares needs to intimate the Australian Securities Commission twenty eight days after the commencement of such issue (, 2017) Application: It can be said that the company Health Pharm Ltd. can split the shares into two classes by following the provisions as stated by the Australia Securities commission (Bainbridge, 2015). The company will have to fill a prescribed form regarding the issue of shares, the type of shares it is issuing, the details of the due amount on the shares. Conclusion Thus to conclude, it can be said that the companys decision of diving the shares into two classes is valid and the company has every right in doing so. 3.Obligations of a company in listing its shares on the ASX Issue: Obligations of the company HealthPharm, to list its shares on the Australian Securities Exchange and standard disclosure procedure to do the same is to be followed. Rule: According to Corporations Act 2001, the listing of a companys shares on the Australian Securities Exchange needs to follow certain requirements as stated by the ASX (, 2017). The company wishing to list its shares must file a prospectus providing information about its profits and losses, assets and liabilities of the company. Application: It can be stated that the company HealhPharm, to list its shares on the ASX needs to have three hundred investors who are not affiliated, twenty percent of the shares of the company should be free floating and it should have tangible assets worth four million dollars or market capitalization of fifteen million dollars and the same needs to take a property test prior to the admissions. Conclusion Thus to conclude it can be said the Company HealthPharm has to follow the listing process that determine obligations required for listing its shares on the ASX. Reference List: (2017) Retrieved 16 November 2017, from Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001. (2017). Retrieved 21 November 2017, from Corporations Act 2001. (2017) Retrieved 21 November 2017, from Bainbridge, S. (2015).Corporate Law. West Academic

Thursday, November 28, 2019

10 Tweets That Perfectly Describe What Summer Internships Are Like

It’s difficult to ruin summerunless you follow it with the word â€Å"internship.† For some students the dread of finding that perfect summer internship can be too much. How do you know what internship will help you in the future? Does it pay? Do you have to balance a job or school with your internship? It can all become a bit too much at times, but at least we get to reap the benefits of their social media rants.Just remember what while the hunt for the perfect internship can be tedious, sometimes the end result is truly enjoyable and beneficial. Don’t get too discouraged and keep looking for the right fit, we promise it’s out there! Here’s a compilation of the best Twitter rants about summer internship programs, with a few positive posts just to prove it’s not all bad. Ive been labeling this summer as the Summer of Fun because of my recording studio internship. Going in late morning to assist again! it Anne-Marie Pleau (@MenacingKitten) June 18, 2016 I get to frickin watch surgery for my internship this summer if thats not the coolest thing ever then idk what is Alexis Brown (@alexislbrown) June 18, 2016 You could say I have a pretty cool internship this summer with @GoodwinGroupPR Hi Molly the giraffe! #EARTHBash2016 Madison Brosler (@BroslerM) June 18, 2016 I got a summer internship at a surgery center and today I watched a grown man get circumcised, nice !! hannah zaz (@hannah_zaz) June 28, 2016 high key regretting the fact that I didnt hunt for an internship for this summer pawluh (@polabernabe) June 19, 2016 †¢Summer 2016: - Job - College Classes - Paid Internship All at the same time Deonte (@DeonteOfficial) June 19, 2016 Working 3 jobs this summer + an internship has really made me question my sanity and humanity itself Isabella (@xoxobella) June 19, 2016 So do you have an internship this summer? Whats your major?...and what are you planning on doing with that? Lucy Sheridan (@lucysher) June 27, 2016 Summer Internship 2016 #DobbyIsAFreeElf Anna Lee (@annalee261) June 28, 2016 Summer internship was a great idea. What would I rather be doing on a sunny 80 degree day than sitting in a cold, awkwardly quiet office? Kenzie (@maclar_xo) June 28, 2016 We hope you get the most out of your summer internships. While experience is great, if you have an unpaid internship, sign up on to get some extra funds for the summer! Share your with us and help others who are interested in your school better understand the application process. Plus, you get to cash out your$10 signup bonusand earn extra money for college! What are you waiting for?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Become a Medical Assistant

How to Become a Medical Assistant The healthcare industry. You hear about it all the time- the politics, the technology, the human interest stories. It’s also one of the fastest-growing industries around, as the Baby Boomer population ages and people increasingly focus on their health and wellness. If you’re looking for a career path with strong long-term employment potential, or if you’re looking to change careers, it can be a solid and rewarding choice. One of the best things about the healthcare industry is its variability, and its need for qualified people at all levels- from assistants to nurses to technologists to physicians. So whether you already know what you want to do, or you think you want to find a way into the field but don’t know how yet, becoming a medical assistant might be the right first step. It’s a hot career in a hot field- but is it for you? What Does a Medical Assistant Do?Medical assistants are administrative and clinical professionals who work in healthcare settings (think hospitals, doctors’ offices, labs, or clinics). They provide support for physicians, nurses, and other members of the medical staff. The medical assistant may help with all aspects of life in the medical office (including assisting with patients), or they might be more administratively focused. It can be a flexible role, depending on your skills and the job description. Their tasks may include:Answering telephones and greeting patientsUpdating and filing charts and medical recordsCoding and handling insurance informationScheduling appointmentsTaking patient medical historiesTaking patient vital signsEducating patients on procedures and follow-up careAssisting physicians during examsCollecting and preparing laboratory samples and specimensPreparing medication under the instruction of a doctorDrawing blood and giving injectionsConfirming prescription information (such as refills)Acting as a point of contact for patientsPerforming basic tests and lab proceduresA s you can see, medical assistants are multitalented members of the team, supporting patient care in many different ways.What Skills Do Medical Assistants Have?Because medical assistants are such versatile professionals, they need to have versatile skill sets as well.Tech skills: Medical facilities are increasingly going high-tech, so the medical assistant will need to be well-versed in a number of different areas, like digital records management and billing software. Being up on the current trends in health apps and systems is a huge plus.Medical assistants should also be fairly tech-savvy when it comes to regular administrative apps as well, like Microsoft Office or similar products.Customer service/patient care skills: Being a medical assistant may include working with all different kinds of people (including colleagues, patients, and families), so patience, a positive attitude, and a strong bedside manner will go a long way to help you in your job.Communication skills: Stakes are high in healthcare- someone’s life and well-being could very well be on the line, so communicating information clearly and accurately is essential.Organization skills: Life in a medical office can get very busy and hectic, so it’s important to be able to juggle responsibilities and information effectively, without making mistakes or causing confusion.What Education Do Medical Assistants Need?To start, medical assistants typically have at least a high school diploma. Some medical assistant jobs provide on-the-job training. However, most aspiring medical assistants get either a certificate in Medical Assisting or an associate’s degree in Medical Assisting, to gain a background in the necessary science and clinical skills that the job requires.There is no absolute requirement that medical assistants be certified, but some states and many jobs require certification by the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA). Medical assistants can become certified by completing an accredited Medical Assistant program and passing the Certified Medical Assistant Exam offered by the AAMA.How Much Do Medical Assistants Get Paid?According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical assistants make a median salary of $31,540 per year, or $15.17 per hour, depending on location and experience. This can vary according to experience and location, as well as areas of specialty and expertise. (for example, administrative vs. clinical).What’s the Outlook for Medical Assistants?The outlook for the medical assistant field is bright indeed- demand for these medical professionals is not likely to slow down anytime soon. Per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field is expected to grow by 23% by 2024, much faster than average.If you know you want to work in the healthcare arena, medical assisting can be a great way to break into a medical career. Good luck!Interested? APPLY HERE

Thursday, November 21, 2019

World Religions Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

World Religions Report - Research Paper Example It believes in the spreading the message of Christ to the entire world and making all the people as the children of god on the basis of baptism. Jesus Christ is considered as the founder of it with the date of its origin being around first millennium AD (Chavis, 2009). In terms of creation of the man, this religion holds to its belief of man as being created by god with a soul and Adam as being the first man. Catholicism has a firm belief in only one supreme authority that is of god, that alone is the creator of heaven and earth. He is the infinite power that embodies all the traits of wisdom, goodness, justice and love; all of which are reflected in his creation of universe and human kind. The main source of the authority for the Catholics comes from the Bible, Tradition, the Creeds, the Bishops and the Pope among others but the ultimate authority is in the hands of the Christ (Bennett, 2010). The religion of Catholicism also comes with the belief that the human race was created in perfect innocence and justice but later it got tainted by the temptation of Satan the angel of evil. Adam and Eve, in the influence of Satan deferred to selfishness and lack of trust in their creator and hence this first sin of disobedience resulted in the death of the spiritual side of the human race. But god being all merciful and kind provided the human race an opportunity to be graced by the eternal life from god in return from his/her practice of baptism (Bennett, 2010). The religion also embodies the belief that Jesus is the true god and all the things were created through him. He was crucified by the human enemies in order to meet the divine justice for the disobedience and sins of man and he became a human (Bennet, 2010). The religion of Catholicism is also of the view that the act of sin corrupts a man and is an act of shunning god, which in turn robs the grace of man’s soul and deprives

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Special education discussion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Special education discussion - Coursework Example For instance, a story about a blind person who still went ahead to finish his postgraduate studies and does motivational talks for other people with disabilities as well. Some of them despite their disabilities, work very hard against the perception that the society has towards them. They work very hard to prove that disability is not inability and that they can do the things that people without disabilities can do. Some of the articles are educative on the types of disabilities that exist. For instance, there are people who are physically challenged such as those who cannot walk, the blind and the deaf. Understanding special education is a skill that most people especially those dealing with the people living with disabilities should have (Friend, 2010). They need to be able to understand their feelings towards certain issues in addition to being very understanding. For instance, the teacher has to have some knowledge of braille if he is interacting with blind students. He also has to learn sign language if he dealing with deaf students. There is a group of teachers who are skilled in dealing with people living with disabilities and challenged in one way or another. This is particularly the case where the disability is so severe that the child cannot learn in normal classroom with the rest of her peers (Friend, 2010). The procedures of special education is so detailed and each child is treated differently according to the type of students that they are dealing with. Each type of disability has its own method of teaching and thus the carers should be aware of such. The mentally challenged is the most disadvantaged group as they are very easily taken advantage of. There have been many incidences where mentally disabled people have been locked in houses with no access whatsoever to the outside world. This is because they are not capable of having the same emotional responses as the rest of the population (Marshall,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Analysis of the economic arguments of an independent central bank Essay

Analysis of the economic arguments of an independent central bank - Essay Example The Latin American inflations are fable material with inflation rates sky rocketing often to 200% or more. In some extreme cases what was affordable at twilight became unaffordable by daylight. With complex and fine lending and borrowing of money as investible funds, interest rates have turned indicators that are pliable in the hands policy makers or dictators as the case may be.Government, myopic with political avarice, and desirous of sweeping hustings have dictated lower interest rates, keeping economic realities on window sills. This tended to raise up spending and then employment though only in the short term, but finally and in the medium to long term it caused severe inflationary pressures. Inflations were crippling when such spending was directed less towards real sector and more towards wasteful expenditure resulting in the physical output not meeting the heightened stock of money in circulation. It is at once natural for a political system to dictate manipulation of monetar y policy and maintain only a short run vision of popularity in or around the election period even risking higher inflation just because this option always was available to detractors or competitors for votes. The Keynesian prescriptions did not build a specific treatment of inflationary situations despite the fact that such situations had arisen. It was preoccupied with determination of the output levels and relied only on a simplistic analysis of inflation via media the demand and supply theory of money. Enunciation of the Phillips curve added a logical sequence to analysis of inflation. The Phillips curve, in its native form, posited a long-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment. However this causality has been reexamined and redefined theoretically and... This paper presents a thorough theoretical analysis of the varying role of central banks in an economy, in an attempt to find the optimal level of central bank`s independence from state. Central banks the world over have quiet but strong presences. With low public visibility they perform the most vital of functions with that of creating and putting into circulation legal tender money. As is known legal tender money serves as a means of payment, a unit of account and a store of value. The most preferred favoring an independent central bank is that the power to expend money should be separated or delinked substantially from the power to create money. In case these two capabilities converge we have spendthrift governments indulging in fiscal profligacy while the Central Bank simply acts as a 24/7 mint or currency printing house. While political masters may be tempted to manipulate monetary policy to suit their short term political objectives the Central banking professionals, having no such ulterior targets, nurture and design monetary policy generally on a long horizon. Protecting monetary policy decisions from State dictates can better assist the cause of lower inflation while a decent economic growth rate can be targeted concurrently. Short run considerations of political nature force the economy in bouts of uncontrolled accelerations which often turn uncontrollable and unsustainable. In nearly every major financial crisis political interference in financial sector regulation helped make a bad situation worse.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Management Principles Company

Management Principles Company Subject principles of management Henri Fayol (born 1841in Constantinople ‘Istanbul; died 1925 in Paris). He graduated from the mining academy of St. Etienne (École des Mines de Saint-Étienne) in 1860 as a French engineer. At the age of 19 he first entered into a mining company Compagnie de Commentry-Fourchambeau-Decazeville as an engineer and then later on was known to become the managing director of the company from 1888 to 1918. It is said that he took over the company as a managing director when the firm was in crisis and was expected to come to a close. Henri Fayol was the man that brought the company from near closure to a boom stage. Fayol was also known to be an observant theorist and did not believe in paper work or mathematics. He found out simple tools and ways to help the workers to speed up their tasks that would eventually lead to better production and better overall results of the company. Fayol has made 3 key contributions to management. Firstly, he differentiated between technical and managerial skills. Secondly, he constructed 5 main functions of a manager (planning, organizing, commanding, co-coordinating and controlling).thirdly and the most important; he laid down the 14 principles of management that he thought were common to all organisations. No doubt due to his great contributions he is rightly named the father of management thought. Fayol laid down the five main principles of a manager / management. This he believed were basic activities that a manager had to perform in accordance to establishing a recognized and competitive firm. The following lines talk about the five elements of management: Planning: â€Å"Planning is chalking out a plan of action, i.e. the result envisaged, the line of action to be followed, the stages to go through and methods to use.† Fayol. (P.C.Jain, C.Sharma, M.Nandrajog, 2003). Fayol believed that it is necessary to plan before you start any new venture or project. If the external and internal environment are not properly studied and plans drawn accordingly it is highly unlikely for the project to be a success. Organizing: organizing is mainly bringing all the resources namely human resources,financial and material resources together to build a proper structure. It is mainly identifying in detail the activities and objectives of the plan and accordingly divide the activities in jobs and different sections depending on the nature of the jobs. Commanding: it generally refers to guiding the employees on how to perform the various jobs or activities. A manager should be able to estimate the efforts or energy of the employees and as a result create harmony and initiative among the workforce. Coordinating: mainly involves the balancing the activities and actions of the workforce to create peace and harmony and bring together the personnel to solve general problems amongst them. Controlling: is concerned with ensuring that the goals or objectives of the organization are met as efficiently and effectively as possible. (P.C.Jain, C.Sharma, M.Nandrajog, 2003). It also involves making sure that the company is going in the right direction as planned and achieving the set goals within the deadlines. However, in the later few years Fayol`s five elements of management were further expanded by the American Luther Gulick and Brit Lydnall Urwick into seven elements which are as follows : Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting. Like mentioned above his most significant contribution to management are the 14 principles. These principles were laid down by Fayol based on his personal experiences and through the observation of tasks and activities carried out by the workers. â€Å"He believed the principles to be flexible and not absolute and to be utilized as the situation demands† (P.C.Jain, C.Sharma, M.Nandrajog, 2003) Discussed below are Fayol`s 14 principles of management. O  Ã‚   Division of work:   Fayol believed that the work is best carried out when it is carefully divided and each person is given their specific divided task to be carried out. It also ensured that the work was carried out effectively and efficiently. The main advantage according to fayol for the division of work was specialisation. He insisted that when a worker carried out a particular task a number of times he specialises in that work and is the best man for that particular job. O  Ã‚   Authority and Responsibility: No individual can give his best performance unless he is given the authority to perform the responsibility he is given. For e.g.: if an individual is given the responsibility to organise an event but is not given the authority to appoint who will carry out what task then its not possible for the event to be a success as for that to happen he should be given the right to appoint the best man he thinks is right for the job and also take any necessary decisions that comes along the way. Responsibility is nothing but the obligation to carry out any particular task assigned and authority is the right to take decision in regards to the responsibility. Fayol believed authority and responsibility to be at parity. O  Ã‚   Discipline:   Fayol believed that for there to be discipline in the organisation it was necessary to have good supervisors at all levels. He did not like the idea of anyone breaking the rules and causing disorder. Moreover he wanted there to exist a mutual respect and understanding between the manager and employees of the company where the manager should take decisions keeping in mind the best interests of the employees and in turn the employees respect that decision and work for the betterment of the company. O  Ã‚   Unity of command:   under this principle fayol wanted to insure that a subordinate should get orders from one and only 1 superior. He argued that if a subordinate got orders from more than one superior there was always a risk of excuse and the work not getting done. To illustrate: if a O  Ã‚   Unity of direction: fayol said that all the activities and tasks that are of the same type or nature should have the same goals and plans. This means that all tasks of similar nature will have one manager and one objective  (P.C.Jain, C.Sharma, M.Nandrajog, 2003) .This will ensure the work running smoothly and help speed up the process. For example; fast food chain restaurants like McDonalds  have an international market and each market will differ according to the external environment of that place which will include the religious aspects, legal aspects, technological aspects etc. To elaborate the plan or strategy that works in U.K may not be the same as that of India cause both the countries have different markets and the expectations from the customers may not be the same. So each division must plan according to their external environment. Subordination of individual interests to general interests: fayol believed that â€Å"the interest of the group should supersede the interests of the individuals†. In addition, the management should ensure that the individual interests merge with the interests of the group. Remuneration: fayol observed that fair methods of payment or remuneration motivate the employees to work hard and remain loyal to the company. This also works best in the interest of the employee and the employer. Centralization: centralization means that the authority will be in the hands of a few. Fayol did not entirely mean that the company should be centralized but he assumed that the process of decision making should be done by the managers which will reduce the pressure on the employees and also mentioned that according to different circumstances the company can determine a centralized or decentralized approach. Fayol basically believed that thought the organisation is centralized it should give the subordinates enough authority to carry out their responsibilities. Scalar chain: according to fayol scalar chain is the â€Å"line of authority† or the â€Å"chain of superiors from the highest to lowest levels†. He alleged that if the workers always follow the line of authority it may lead to slow decision making for e.g.: if a sales manager wants to get in touch with the marketing manager regarding some problems they are facing he will have to go through a line of authority which might take time. Fayol suggested that two individuals at the same ranking can communicate with each other without going through the chain of superiors. This breaking of the line of authority was called â€Å"gang plank† by fayol. Order: this principle is divided into â€Å"material† and â€Å"social order†. Order simply means that everything should be in its place or a place for everything and everyone. This also emphasizes that the right man should be selected for the right job and at the right time. As it is nicely put â€Å"order according to fayol was nothing but ‘a place for everything (everyone) and everything (everyone) in its place. (P.C.Jain, C.Sharma, M.Nandrajog, 2003). Equity: fayol understood that if the workers were given a fair and reasonable treatment they would be motivated to work hard and give in their finest performance. He believed that employees should not be discriminated on the basis of colour, caste, age, sex, etc. during any activity or circumstances that turn up in the company. Stability of tenure of personnel: according to fayol the unsteadiness of personnel in any organisation is a dreadful sign and goes on to show the incapability of the manager to keep his subordinates satisfied and happy. The instability also proves to be a costly affair for the organization as a whole. If the company wants to be a success it should ensure that the employees are content and are given enough time to adapt to the surroundings and the work place so as to give in their best efforts. Initiative: initiative generally means taking the first step or going against the odds to try out something new. In his principle of initiative that is what fayol suggests. For a company to achieve higher goals it is the duty of the managers to take initiative and undertake the projects which otherwise be ignored due to various reasons. In doing so he is setting a practical example for the subordinates to work hard and take initiatives to bring the company to a competitive stage in the market. Spirit de corps: in simple terms it means ‘team work. Fayol highlighted that the production results of a team or group is always higher than individual potentials. A team together is more daring and willing to take risks. Moreover, they come up with something extra called ‘synergy. Brainstorming can also be a good example. Fayol also emphasized that the manager should make sure that the members of a team are in harmony and are at easy while communicating with each other. Good interpersonal relationship among the employees is always a benefit for a company. In spite of Fayol`s contributions he was highly opposed during his time. The workers went on strike and refused to work until the rules set by Fayol were removed. It was argued that carrying out a task continuously over a period of time which was said to specialise them in that work, as specified in his principle of â€Å"division of work† was viewed as rather boring and tiresome to the workers. They believed that doing the same job over and over again would only make it worse since they would loose the interest. Moreover it could also be hazardous to those workers who work in coal mines or other dangerous areas. Herbert Simon (1946), a critic, also argued that the principles were vague and contradictory. (Kenneth J. Meier, John Bohte). Even though, after all these years Fayol has seemed to make a mark in history by his theories. True enough that they were not appreciated in those days but his principles have proved very helpful for many theorists to understand the concept of management and how to control and run a successful business. Many education centres and universities now teach about Fayol`s principles to help them have a deep knowledge about business and guide them through their business carriers. In many leading firms the basic elements planning, commanding, coordinating, controlling and organizing are followed and several principles (division of work, unity of command, scalar chain etc.) have helped managers to make activities simpler and easier. References: P.C.Jain, C.Sharma, M.Nandrajog, 2003.- business management.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Do We Care? :: New Criticism Literature Essays

Do We Care? Many different forms of critical theory focus on the text, the circumstances surrounding the text, or the author, without acknowledging the subjective nature of literature. New Criticism proclaims that the â€Å"essential components of any work of literature, whether lyric, narrative, or dramatic, are conceived to be words, images, and symbols, rather than character, thought, and plot† (Abrams 246). New Historicism â€Å"is grounded on the concepts that history itself is not a set of fixed, objective facts, but, like the literature with which it interacts, a text which needs to be interpreted† (249). Psychological criticism â€Å"deals with a work of literature primarily as an expression, in fictional form, of the state of mind and the structure of personality of the individual author† (263). In these forms of critical theory, the response of the reader is less important than the author, the text, and whatever symbolism might be found in the text. While igno ring the importance of reader-response may be justified in academia, it also holds true that without the reader, the need for literature would not exist. What specific properties lend value to literature? Though style and structure are important components and should not be completely disregarded, the meaning of the text is dependent upon the individual reader, and as such, is highly subjective. In her essay, Contingencies of Value, Barbara Herrnstein Smith states, â€Å"the value of a work – that is, its effectiveness in performing desired/able functions for some set of subjects – is not independent of authorial design, labor, and skill . . . that what may be spoken of as the ‘properties’ of the work – its ‘structure,’ ‘features,’ ‘qualities,’ and of course, its ‘meaning’ – are not fixed, given, or inherent in the work itself but are at every point the variable products of some subject’s interaction with it† (Richter 148). This brings up an interesting point: if the reader’s interaction with the text proves to be less tha n what the reader expected or wanted, does it negate the value of the text as literature? And does the educational and cultural background of the reader have any kind of effect on this process? Smith believes it does: . . . there are many people in the world who are not – or are not yet, or choose not to be – among the orthodoxly educated population of the West: people who do not encounter Western classics at all or who encounter them under cultural and institutional conditions very different from those of American and European college professors and their students.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Dbq U S History Section 2

During the 1600’s many ideas and values affected the political, economic, and social development of the New England colonies (specifically from 1630 through the 1660’s) . The puritains had a close kinship, for example â€Å"working as one man†, and entertaining eachother in brotherly affection. The Puritans were a significant grouping of English Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries. Puritanism in this sense was founded by some Marian exiles from the clergy shortly after the accession of Elizabeth I of England in 1558, as an activist movement within the Church of England. The designation â€Å"Puritan† is often incorrectly used, notably based on the assumption that hedonism and Puritanism are antonyms: Historically, the word was used to characterize the Protestant group as extremists similar to the Cathari of France, and according to Thomas Fuller in his Church History dated back to 1564, Archbishop Matthew Parker of that time used it and â€Å"precisian† with the sense of modern â€Å"stickler†. They were blocked from changing the system from within, but their views were taken by the emigration of congregations to the Netherlands and later New England, and by evangelical clergy to Ireland and later into Wales, and were spread into lay society by preaching and parts of the educational system, particularly certain colleges of the University of Cambridge. Initially, Puritans were mainly concerned with religious matters, rather than politics or social matters. They took on distinctive views on clerical dress and in opposition to the episcopal system, particularly after the 1619 conclusions of the Synod of Dort were resisted by the English bishops. They largely adopted Sabbatarian views in the 17th century, and were influenced by millennialism. The main influences to the new England colonies were that puritans Stressed education, which meant formation of schools such as Harvard to train ministers. Also, Motivation for success, it was â€Å"God's will† that the New England colonies flourish. Third, a diverse working class, farmers as well as artisans, created from families that immigrated instead of just young men who settled Jamestown. Fourth, democratic values, which meant, town hall meetings, which began with the Puritans, Fifth separation of church and state, which was one of the first issues that tore at Puritan society. And lastly, the first forms of rebellion, leading to the independence of the United States. One of the most dominant Puritanical beliefs that still lingers, to a large extent, was its categorization of God. Simply put, the Puritans had a very demonizing view of the divine and the role of humans within such a scheme. The Puritans believed strongly in original sin, and to this extent, ended up ensuring that humans never deviated from the belief that they were naturally sinful. Such a belief ended up affecting New England, and all of America to a degree, with a challenging view of God. On one hand, individuals sought to believe in redemption because of the democratic experience that they had inherited, a political system that stressed the idea of â€Å"forming a more perfect union† and trying to â€Å"get it right.    Yet, this was opposite of the Puritan point of view regarding spirituality where God was proverbially unhappy with individuals regardless of acts. Both were set on a collision course by the Puritans, revealing a division in how individuals viewed themselves and the world. What the Puritans did in Massachusetts was embodied by all of the New England Colonies, resulti ng in a very paradoxical view of religion and a conflict, to a certain extent, in the New England Colonies.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Future of International Business in the UAE Essay Example

Future of International Business in the UAE Essay Example Future of International Business in the UAE Essay Future of International Business in the UAE Essay Future of International Business in the UAE Name: Course: Date: : Future of International Business in the UAE A. Introduction and General Theory Europcar is a multinational company that deals with car rentals. Eurazeo, an investment company in France owns Europcar. The automobile manufacturer Volkswagen that was based in Germany initially owned Europcar. However, since it was not as profitable as they had anticipated it to be, the Volkswagen group decided to sell it off. Volkswagen founded the company first in Paris in 1949. Presently, the company’s headquarters are in France, particularly in Saint Quentin en Yvelines at Immeuble Les Quadrants. This occurred in 2006 after the sale of the company was finalized. The company owns approximately 200, 000 vehicles and is based in over 150 countries all over the world. It also boasts of having branches in over 2800 locations in the said 150 countries. Europcar is mostly located in Europe, Africa, Middle East, North America and the Caribbean Islands. However, as much as the company is a well-known multinational, the brand is most common in European countries like France, The United Kingdom and Germany. These are Europcar’s major markets in the case of corporate and leisure rental services. The car rental field is a severely competitive field but Europcar ahs been able to withstand this competition and remain the most popular brand in a majority of the European countries. In order to strengthen the company further, they decided to purchase another car rental company, Vanguard EMEA in 2007. Vanguard was the operator of two companies, Alamo Rent a Car and National car rental. These companies were doing well in Europe and North America. Purchase of Vanguard enabled Europcar to penetrate the North American market. As a result, the company grew tremendously and made huge profits. Europcar’s logo is the company name set in a green background and is used in all the branches that they have all over the world. Its vision is to become the best car rental company by offering impeccable services to their customers. The mission of the company is to offer services of the highest quality with the use of the latest technology, which are in line with the international standards. The company has an intricate organizational structure, which enables it to perform extremely well. A board of directors, who are the overall decision makers of the company, heads Europcar. The company also has managers in the several departments who oversee the company on a day-to day basis. This structure of leadership is emulated in each of the branches that Europcar has all over the world. Nonetheless, the company has only one board of directors who oversee the company’s progress. Europcar’s main target market is the tourists. This is because, as they tour the different areas, they require cars and they cannot travel with their own. In addition to this, the company also targets corporate societies and the citizens of the country in question as well. B. Introduction to firm Europcar is a company that specializes in car rental services. It is widespread with over 2800 locations in about 150 countries all over the world. The company owns over 200, 000 fleets of cars of different makes and brands. All these cars are offered to their customers who may rent them for any period. Renting of the company cars maybe done physically in which case the customer visits one of their offices or of by the use of the internet whereby the customers paces their request online. The majority of their customers are from European countries like France and Germany. Business history: Europcar was started in 1949 by the Volkswagen group but was later sold to Eurazeo in 2006. Eurazeo have been in control of the company since then and the company had improved significantly. The company’s headquarters are based in France but it has location in about 150 other countries worldwide. The majority of the customers of the company are from European countries like Germany and France. For this reason, Europe is its main market. The company also purchased another car rental company in 2007. They did this in order to strengthen their hold in the North American region. The company they purchased was Vanguard EMEA whose main target market was North American countries. The company is aimed at providing only the best services to their customers all over the world. Europcar uses all the recommended technologies to ensure that it meets the international standards of quality. For this reason, Europcar has become one of the most popular car rental services. SWOT Analysis of the company Strengths: The kind of services that the company provides is if high quality and this makes their customers content. Therefore, customer loyalty is created since the customers appreciate the services offered to them. Finally, the pricing of their cars is very reasonable, which has been another reason for their growth. Weaknesses: The Company is mainly based in Europe and this has limited the number of customers that they have. Sudden changes in the management of the company affected the revenues of the company in 2011. Opportunities: The Company identified the opportunity in the market in UAE, which would ensure increased profits for the company. For this reason, they have targeted several cities in the region such as Dubai. Threats: Other car rental firms worldwide have been a threat to the success of the company. For instance, in Dubai, firms like Avis and Hertz have been a great competition for Europcar. In order to counter such firms Europcar may embark on serious campaign strategies or offer services that are more favorable to their customers in the region. Some key leaders in the company a) The Chairman of the board of Directors: Jean-Charles Pauze His main role is to act as an advisor to other senior members of the company. This is because he has a lot of experience in the service industry b) The Chief Executive Officer: Roland Keppler He was appointed CEO because of his vast expertise as evidenced in all the other prominent positions that he held in the other companies he worked for. c) The Chief Operating Officer: Rafael Girona Girona was selected COO in 2006 immediately after Eurazeo bought the company from the Volkswagen group. His prowess in management has enabled him to supervise the company operations effectively d) The Chief Financial Officer: Caroline Parot Parot joined the company in 2011 and due to her competence; Europcar has enjoyed a momentous increase in profits. C. Global Scenario and Business State of the firm Europcar is already a multinational company with branches in several components including Asia and Africa. However, their most defined target market is in the European countries. In a bid to diversify their target market, they formulated a three-year plan aimed at penetrating other markets. The plan was dubbed the ‘transformation plan.’ This plan was created in 2012 and is expected to be completed in 2013. Major aspects that will be addressed in the strategic plan include price competitiveness, brand positioning, internal and organic growth. Europcar intended to extend its branches to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).They aimed to expand into this region since its level of growth ha been impressive over the past few years. UAE has become one of the most popular sites for investors. This is because of the friendly policies and the stable economic growth that the region has (Singh, 2008). Europcar has established branches in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen and Abu Dhabi just to mention a few. The launch of these subsidiaries has enabled Europcar to gain recognition from the Middle Eastern market (Europcar Group, 2010). This is because it has provided the citizens of this region with services of high quality and it has become the most admired company in the region. In Dubai, for example the company has made enormous profits since its inception. This is probably because Dubai is a well-known tourist attraction. For this reason, the use of rental cars is common amongst the tourists who visit the area. Penetration of the Middle Eastern Market has been a noteworthy achievement for Europcar. This is because it will be easier for them to invest in the region since they are already recognized in the region. If they were not known in the region, it would prove impossible to invest in the region and if they did, they may have lost a lot of money since they would not have known much about the economy of the region. However, the entry into the Dubai market has not been easy since the existing firms posed a lot of competition. Car rental companies like Avis and Hertz are examples of the major competitions that the company has faced in Dubai. . Avis is a company based in the UAE. It was a major competition because it also provided its customers with high quality vehicles, which were all well serviced, and at affordable rates. Hertz is also another chief competition mainly because it has forged connections with institutions like airports in Dubai. Due to the existing competition, Europcar had to advertise more and offer more competitive prices in a bid to attract more customers. D. Analytical approach To prove the level of growth that the company has achieved, it is imperative to include analytical proof to substantiate the claims. The data to be used will be with respect to the 2011 annual report. (The values provided are in millions of ?) Financial statement of Europcar in 2011 201020102011Revenue1. 973.11,975.91.962.2Fleet holding costs491.9492.3499.9Other Income14.414.218.0Net financing costs241.6241.8228.7Result before Tax125.6125.583.2Profit/loss for the period128.4128.272.2 This financial statement provides a comparative analysis of the company’s performance in 2010 and 2011. The total revenue obtained in 2011 is slightly lower than the 2010 value. This may be attributed to the changes in leadership that occurred in the company in the course of the year. However, several important improvements can be noted in the data above. The operating expenses in 2011 are lower than in 2010. This is an improvement since it enables the company to increase their profit margins. In addition to this, the company’s income from other sources of revenue increases by over three million pounds. For this reason, even if the overall revenue of the company is lower than the one recorded in 2010, is has undergone several improvements that are most likely to show in the financial report at the end of 2012 (Dreyfack Europcar, 2011). E, Competitive strength in international markets For a company to be successful in international markets, they have to obtain competitive strength over their competitors. This will enable them to influence the market trends to their benefit and as a result make more profits. Creation of competitive strength in the market is viewed as a very good market strategy. It is assumed that a company should do well if they have techniques like leveraging their domestic positions and establishing a niche in the international market (Fifield, 2007). Conversely, this is only beneficial in the first stages, in order to succeed in the new market; the company has to go a step further. Techniques that the company may use include strategic flexibility and effective building of the company position of the new and foreign market. Strategic flexibility refers to the ability of a firm to adapt to different situations that may arise in the company. This will ensure that sudden changes in the market will not have a great impact on the company in question. In an international market, this is very important since the company is not sure of what may happen. Market presence and position refers to making an indelible mark on the new market. This may be achieved by the introduction of a new product of very high services. If this is done, the company will have a tremendous effect on the economy and market trends (Bradley, 2005). If these techniques are implemented, the company will be able to gain competitive strength in the international market.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Geert Hofstedes Essays

Geert Hofstedes Essays Geert Hofstedes Paper Geert Hofstedes Paper This whole thing about cultural differences is simply bunk! The real issue is about market access! Discuss this statement using examples you have encountered during the lectures, seminars and your own research Introduction: International business is all commercial transactions, private and governmental between two or more countries. When a company operates internationally it adds foreign conditions to its domestic ones making the external environment more diverse. Is this whole thing only about market access? When entering a new culture, market access is not the only thing a business should look for. Culture plays a vital role and should be acknowledged and never ignored. There is no one definition for culture. Emile Littri at the end of the nineteenth century, defined in his French dictionary culture to be a cultural, farming activity. As early as the eighteenth century, the Germans defined culture or Kultur in reference to civilization. Culture has also been defined as a set of accepted behaviour patterns, values, assumptions and shared common experiences. There are as many as 164 different definitions of culture. Most anthropologists however view culture as the sum total of beliefs rules, techniques, institutions, and artifacts that characterize human populations. In addition, they identify some common elements of culture: 1. Most important point is that culture cannot be present at birth but is learnt through experience. 2. Various aspects of culture are built in 3. Culture is shared 4. Culture defines the boundaries of different groups. Figure . 1. The diagram below shows the different elements of culture Models of culture The iceberg concept of culture Hoft (1995) describes culture as being like an iceberg (Fig. 2). : The tip of it is primarily in awareness (Surface culture), while nine-tenths of it hidden below the surface, (Deep culture), and is primarily out of awareness. Deep culture is the most crucial part and is the one which outsiders find difficult to spot. Every culture is defined by the powerful and invisible dimensions of deep culture which consists of norms and values and the implicit basic assumptions. The iceberg model implies that the visible dimensions of surface culture are simply expressions of the deeper culture dimensions1 which we cannot see, hence, we are unable to understand what the foundations are. For this reason, understanding different cultural backgrounds becomes difficult. Cultural differences however must be understood and acknowledged before they can be managed. Culture is the way in which a group of people solve problems. 2 Figure 2. The Iceberg Model (Hoft 1995) Trompenaars (1993) describes the onion-like model. Trompenaars portrays culture to consist of three layers which can be peeled of layer by layer. The first outer layer consists of artefacts and products, the second layer norms and values and the third inner implicit layer of the onion represents basic assumptions. Figure 3. The onion-like model Trompenaars F. (1993) A set of basic assumptions is developed by each and every different culture which is measured by dimensions. Cultures distinguish themselves from each other in the way they deal with these dimensions. Geert Hofstedes model of cultural dimensions (The Hofstedess Studies) Geert Hofstede carried out a study in forty countries on IBM, a multi-national company. His aim was to identify the basic dimensions of differences between national cultures and he discovered four such dimensions. Power distance: this is the extent to which an unequal distribution of power is accepted by members of a society. It is about hierarchy. Hofstedes findings revealed that the countries with low power distance included Australia, Israel, Denmark and Sweden and those with high power distance were the Philippines, Mexico, Venezuela, India and Brazil. Femininity-masculinity: this dimension refers to the extent to which highly assertive masculine values predominate (acquisition of money at the expense of others) versus showing sensitivity and concern for others welfare and the quality of life. Japan Australia, Venezuela, Italy and Mexico were found to be high on this dimensions compared to countries such as Thailand, Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Yugoslavia. Uncertainty avoidance: is the extent to which members of a society feel threatened by ambiguous situations and have created beliefs and institution which try to avoid these. Greece, Portugal, Japan, Peru and France were countries which had high on uncertainty avoidance while Denmark, Sweden, Britain, the USA and India were low on this dimension.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Essay - 12

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness - Essay Example Through the years, the company’s evolution is a vivid example of corporate sustainability. Globalization allows the creation of links, both physical and virtual, among several locations in the world. Technology serves as a tool that facilitates the process of globalization. Union Pacific’s early years enjoyed significantly fewer technological processes in comparison to today’s technologically driven world. Furthermore, rapid globalization occurred in the 20th century and reached its peak in the current century. The company income as of December 2012 stood at $ 3.9 billion (Form 10-K, 2012). This is an all-time high during the several decades of existence. The company’s large revenue directly relates with the forces of globalization and technology advancement. Particularly, the interconnectivity of the firm through mobile communication and the internet facilitates the creation of a link between the US based railroad company with Canada and Mexico. The railroad currently serves in connecting the United States with these countries. The company employs an advanced Information Technology System that primarily controls all transportation operations through the establishment of a communication link. The fast establishment of communication between the company and the customers facilitate faster systems of service delivery. Moreover, the application of technology creates an efficient transportation control system. Globalization facilitates the exchange of goods among different areas of the world. Therefore, the area served by the railroad received larger volumes of produce from other areas in comparison to the period before globalizati on. The regions also export several products to other regions. Railroad transport through Union Pacific acts as a primary link during this operation. The age of globalization and technology serves in enhancing the importance of Union Pacific Corporation. The industrial organization approach views the firm’s external